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Corporate Social Responsibility

We support St. Francis Hospital Nyenga

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); we have been supporting St. Francis Hospital Nyenga which belongs to Catholic diocese of Lugazi, Uganda and therefore is a faith based organization. The philosophy of the department is based on the Gospel precept of ministering to the sick particularly the poor.

Nyenga Hospital is the headquarters of Buikwe North Health Sub District of Mukono District, including sub counties of Nyenga and Wakisi and Njeru Town Council. The hospital provides health care services mainly to the parishes within Nyenga and Wakisi sub counties, and also Njeru Town Council.

Nyenga Home Care mobile clinic serves a catchment population of about 143,000, the majority of whom survive on subsistence type of agriculture, fishing and petty income generating activities e.g. shop keeping, trading, etc. Our catchment area includes the very busy transport network serving the port of Mombasa through to Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo and as it is a well established fact that those employed in the transport business engage in risky and dangerous lifestyles such prostitution, a number of areas within our catchment area are to a significant extent engaged in supplying this very demand.

The clinic based facilities, while adequate at the moment, nevertheless, require additional facilities e.g. laboratory, offices, accountancy, data, etc to meet the projected needs of the future.

Presently, the clinic offers a wide range of services in the management of HIV/AIDS including voluntary testing & counseling, Antiretroviral therapy, opportunistic infection management, Orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) care, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and Laboratory screening and monitoring in collaboration with the hospital. Presently, the clinic has enrolled 1265 patients in general HIV care of whom 283 have been initiated on ART, 30 children.

The clinic is headed by a coordinator (medical officer) with 2 clinical officers, 3 nurses, 1 midwife, 1 pharmacy technician, 1 laboratory technician, 3 counselors, 2 M & E staff, 30 mobilisers, 1 cleaner, 1 office assistant and 1 driver.

The Order of St. Camillus acts in a material support role to the Aids Relief Project, which support includes the provision of clinic infrastructure, vehicles, and hospitalization costs. The technical running of Nyenga Home Care Clinic is funded by AIDS Relief/Catholic Relief Services CRS Uganda which receives an award of Federal Financial Assistance originating from a US Department of Health and Human Services Cooperative Agreement ( “the DHHS Agreement”) with Catholic Relief Services- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (“CRS”), as the lead agency for the “Consortium” including the Catholic Medical Mission Board (‘’CMMB’’), Interchurch Medical Assistance, Inc.(‘’I.M.A’’) ,The University of Maryland in Baltimore Institute of Human Virology(‘’IHV’’), and the Constella Future Group International.

As a Faith Based Organization, our mission is to participate in the continuation of Christ’s Ministry to the sick, in the alleviation of suffering and the promotion of hope in the midst of distress and despair


To reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS infection in our catchment area

To expand treatment, care and support services to the communities within our catchment area.

To mitigate social, economic and cultural effects of HIV/AIDS on individuals and their respective communities

To strengthen the OVC program by targeting children of infected parents, children who are at risk of HIV, children who have lost their parents due to HIV/AIDS and children who head households.

To prevent mother to child transmission by providing a consolidated package of services to pregnant mothers and HIV exposed infants.